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Federal Judiciary Study


Currently, the LWVUS has official positions on Congress and the Presidency but lacks a formal position on the Federal Judiciary. At the LWVUS 2024 Convention, delegates voted to proceed with a study on the federal judiciary. The study will be completed on a fast-track timeline in time for a position to be announced at the LWVUS 2025 Council in June 2025. 

 National Town Hall on the Federal Judiciary
Watch the Town Hall Recording Here

Scope of the Study

To develop a LWV position on the Federal Judiciary as an essential component of US democracy. The study's purpose includes, but is not limited to, addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics. The scope addresses the Supreme Court as well as the other Article III federal courts. 



Leagues hold meetings from 2/7/25- 4/14/25


Leagues continue to hold meetings and complete consensus questions


Consensus Deadline for local leagues 4/14/25

April - May

Proposed position presented to LWVUS Board for vote and final approval

Federal Judiciary Position announced at Council June 26-28, 2025

Inner Loop - Consensus Meeting

Thursday, March 6

10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sesh Coworking

2808 Caroline St #100

Houston, TX 77004

Federal Judiciary Study

Northside - Consensus Meeting

Thursday, March 6

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Barbara Bush Library

Robin Bush Room (Children's Library)

6817 Cypresswood Dr

Spring, TX 77379

Energy Corridor - Consensus Meeting

Thursday, February 27 *or*

Thursday, March 6

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Eagles Trace

14703 Eagle Vista Dr.

Houston, TX 77077

Before diving into the background information, please look through the discussion prompts and consensus questions to get a sense of the topics to be considered. 

Study Resources

Preliminary Background Information:

Understanding Federal Courts: This publication is from the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. It provides an introduction to the federal justice system, including how it is organized and how it relates to the legislative and administrative branches of government. 

US Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges: This document includes the ethical principles that apply to federal judges and provides guidance on the official duties and engagements related to outside activities for federal judges. 

Congressional Research Service Paper, The Supreme Court Adopts a Code of Conduct: This document was published following the announcement of the US Supreme Court's adoption of the Code of Conduct and provides a legal sidebar with background information on federal judicial ethics rules before the adoption of the code and briefly outlines the substance of the code adopted.

Policy Briefs

The Federal Judiciary Study Committee has prepared a series of briefs on particular, specific topics designed to help spark discussion among League members as we work toward a LWVUS position on the federal judiciary. By providing information on these very specific topics, our intention is to help develop a long-lasting position based on the principles of judicial independence, transparency, accountability, and ethics (and possibly others). Our goal is a position that outlines the values – the standards and norms – the League of Women Voters should use in evaluating proposed changes to policies, laws, and regulations about the federal judiciary. 

Study Guide and Questions for Consideration

Study Guide (PDF)


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