LWV Houston Logo




By supporting the League of Women Voters of Houston, every dollar you contribute becomes a powerful investment in democracy. We are at the forefront of empowering voters, fostering civic engagement, and advocating for a fair and inclusive democracy. Today, we invite you to join us in shaping the future and making a lasting impact in Houston.

Why Donate?

Your support fuels our mission to educate, empower, and advocate for an informed and active citizenry. As we strive to build a democracy that works for everyone, your donation becomes a catalyst for positive change. Here's why your contribution matters:

  1. Empowering Voters: We are dedicated to providing unbiased and comprehensive information to voters. Your donation ensures that we can continue our voter education initiatives, empowering citizens to make informed choices at the ballot box.
  2. Civic Engagement Programs: Through community outreach and educational programs, we encourage active participation in civic life. Your support helps us organize events, workshops, and forums that foster dialogue and engagement among community members.
  3. Advocating for Democracy: The League of Women Voters is a relentless advocate for policies that enhance democracy and protect the rights of all citizens. Your contribution strengthens our ability to lobby for positive change at local, state, and national levels.
  4. Accessible Elections: We work tirelessly to ensure that elections are accessible to all citizens. Your donation supports efforts to eliminate barriers to voting and promotes fair and inclusive election processes.ο»Ώ

How You Can Make a Difference

  • One-Time Donation: A single contribution can make a significant impact on our programs and initiatives.
  • Monthly Giving: Join our community of sustaining donors by making a monthly commitment to support ongoing efforts towards a vibrant democracy.
  • Corporate Sponsorship: Partner with us to promote corporate social responsibility and contribute to the betterment of our community.

Together, we can create a future where every voice is heard, every vote is counted, and all Houston voters have access to elections. Our work is fueled by the generosity of Houstonians, and your donation is the key to unlocking a future where we can continue our mission for many years to come. Donate today using the form below.

Thank you for being a champion of democracy with the League of Women Voters of Houston.

A man is holding an american flag in front of a crowd of people.

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